and I), have just finished biking to the Nature Park. It was such a nice day, only a few minutes ago. I am wanting to write this blog but first, I asked Dorty; "Do you want me to help you with the Dishes?". She replied "Well it will get done faster and we can have supper sooner." So this blog will wait for the Dishes. Hehehe... SO NOW DISHES ARE DONE..

This blog is written for Melissa who said she reads everything and like to hear about all the nothings. As I look through the computer for a photo for this blog and find this one of Mellisa, I am told she will say ""FIHTP, Why did you use that picture. Hehehe (the obijway laugh).
Well, as we did the dishes; I turned off the light over the sink so we could look out the kitchen window at the snow in the tree. A native love of nature. As we looked, a Seagull flew by, and I said "I bet that is the big Sh.. on my car..Those damm birds.. I think I am going to buy a BBgun and sit on the pouch and keep them off the hydro line above my car. Well, this is the story that Dorty told me about her life on Bear Island.
"My dad, use to build Bird feeders and put out Seeds for the birds. He hated those big black birds, like crows and black birds. He would sit out there, near the door and watch for them with his Slingshot. To shoot and scare off the big birds... He loved the Chickadees. Even when we moved from the Island to Temagami he would use his BBgun and protect the feeder for the small birds. He would even open the Bedroom window and yell at the big birds or shoot at them." Yes even the natives on the reserve can have a perference of who feeds in his bird feeder.
"There is Don Cherry" dorty saids as the Toronto and Buffalo game is starting. "Babe are you coming to watch this with me?" So this is all the nothings for now... hehehe... But than again I did get the dishes done and I did get that good picture of Melissa posted.. Apaenimohaung (ojibway for "From our hearts" I believe)
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