Although my teachings to her about the directions and the spirits of our earth; her prayer welcomes the day for the gifts and joys to be received. (Photo is of a drawing by Squidman, a native blogger on who tells of the story of Kitche Manitou intervention to help Sky women with her loniness)
Dorty has grown in knowledge of Kitche Manitou. (for non-native readers of this blog, Kitche Manitou translates to "Great Creator" and appears in all native cultures using the same words. If you watched the movie "Dance with Wolfs" about the Southern Sioux you would also have heard this name. It is much as Christ appears in all Christian churches)
It was suprising of her first prayer when she first moved down to Quebec. It was a couple of weeks after we arrived and we had looked for her Turtle which was a gift from a friend. I had told her to pray to ask for to find it and although she was slow; a week later it just appeared in front of us. I asked her if she had prayed to Kitche Manitou, and she replied that she had not but just today had asked him to help her find it.
I am amazed at the strenght of her union with HIM because I was one night going to sleep and was in that dream state (between wake and sleep) and talking to Dorty which often happens; and I said things which I had no knowledge about. I realized after I began to analysis the discussion that this dream state communication was a message to me; as Dorty was concern with a recent decision. ( I asked her if she had asked Him for help and she said she had just thougth of it before I started to talk to her from my half-asleep state)

Recalling what had been said and trying to understand the meaning of it and why I sould say those things or even see those images; I realized the decision that was needed and when I told Dorty of the decision she was immediately releived of her worries and sorror. (photo is a color painting called "Dream State" found on
Kikinowautchi-beegaudae (It shall be written)
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