Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Harmony in Anger - Spirit Wind and Sun's Wager

Harmony is finding that strength to be calm when all seems to be moving in the wind of life.
I watch the trees bend with the force, the snow pushed through the cracks and can feel the cold although I am behind this big bay window.

How often do I feel like the Wind. It's force and coldness. Such an invisible thing as Air, which makes up wind; and having all the force to do so much. We poeple which He (Witcha Manitou)made are such an invisible thing, in his big world. And our Anger is sometime the force which we are so proud to show; and sometimes we know only the story of being mad.

Mad at others. Mad at ourself. Mad at Life. Why does this have to happen to me I hear others say.

Wind Spirit and Sun were having a discussion on their importance and as Sun was telling him of how important his energy was to growing the crops and feeding poeple. Wind became angry and decided to prove his points of how strong he was.

"See that man walking there" said wind as he pointed to the traveller on the road doing his morning walk. "I wager you that my strength is such that I can remove the jacket from his back" he told Sun . Wind wanted so much to prove that a way of force is better than a way of gifts ( hea, light and warmth).

So Wind gathered up his best gush of wind, and from behind the man lifted up the jacket and began to blow over his head. Man was so surprise that he immediately grabbed at the jacket and pulled it down in place. The harder Wind blew the stronger man was and more determined to keep his jacket.

Wind stepped back, discourage at the determination of the Man.; to hear Sun say. "Sometime force is only met with more force from the other person" The man was still holding his jacket tight to his body as the cold wind disappeared and he began to feel the warmth of the sun. His grip was eased and within seconds he became so unconfortable in the morning sun; that he took off his jacket and strung it over his shoulder.

As the man walked away, Sun just continued across the sky without a word toward Wind. It served no purpose to be right or prove anything wrong with what Wind thought. Wind would always be Wind and never know the pleasure of giving warmth and joy.

Witcha Manitou, in his use of wind builds a world of harmony. Does not the trees bend with the wind and then spring back afterward. Does not the animals turn their backs to the wind to feel less of it coldness. Even the deer, and animals which place so much importance on detecting scents, use wind to detect danger. They move into the wind to catch what is being send to them. Wind even spreads the seeds of plants and is used today by man for energy. And ofcourse the pleasure of using the Wind. (sailing, Kites, or even just storm watching)
To bury one's anger in harmony and find peace within is hard to do but the joy allows for harmony in others as we forgive and forget. In the end we find a greater peace of self.

But also it is good to let out a good yell once and a while... Maybe at the Hockey game or when excitement permits the joy of expression. Not during those moments of Anger...
Wisdom in the Morning pray is found in the North which is where the cold North wind comes. The color white of the North is where snow is seen when Mother earth is covered.

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