Well, first off I will start when I was going to Grade school back in my old Hometown of Haileybury,Ont which was one of the towns up North further past North Bay, Ont about 1 and 1/2 hrs further.
What I remember of that school and town was that I know one thing for sure was that I only went to that Haileybury Public School,till I was in Grade 3. Then after that we then moved to an Island on Lake Temagami near Temagami,Ont the Island is called Bear Island which there I continued going to school on the Island of course continuing there my Grade 3 as it was in the middle of the school year moving there. Quite the difference living on an Island when coming from a town where it seemed to be big compared to the Island. I felt much more at home there on an Island in the bush. Where I was pretty much raised. I felt very proud to be raised in the community where this man called Grey Owl who has movies and books out of himself also had visited for years and lived on for some years of his life, and is now a well, known author to the Native people anyhow.

Now my school days up on the Island were a little different as there is a time of year being on an Island where you cannot travel either by boat or skidoo as the lake is either freezing up or breaking up of ice. Which then meant we had to walk over to school in the mornings and home at the end of the school days. At that time there was no trails we had to make our own trails. So my Father used to walk us to school on the main part of the Island leading us the way , and as he lead us the way was also making a path by, brushing it with an axe, making a path that we would be able to see and know how to come back home through the woods. Cause, also as we had walked through the trail he would also bring a can of spray paint and paint a little part of the trees now and then to show us where we had gone. Which then made it easier to follow home again.
Not like now there is roads all over the Island now and Also they now have things like Fire Hydrants along side of the roads here and there, and also they now have a Water Treatment Plant up there on the Island which these , sort of things were never there before when attending Grade school there. How things change through our years of growning up. Then when I started attending High School while living up on the Reserve that was a little different also. We then had to wake up at 4:30 am in order to get ourselves ready for the day and give us the time to either go by boat or skidoo to the place they call the Main Landing at the Mine access road , where we would then catch that little school bus to get into Temagami which was a 15,or 20 minute bus ride over the mine access road which is a dirt road. I always found that ride a little thrill for me especially that early in the mornings as the thrill to me was the end of the access road near the highway to Temagami was like a roller coaster up and down alot but, straight as can be. I couldn't wait till that part of the ride in the bus was over as I did not like that part of my bus ride.
Then as we got into the town of Temagami we then had to transfer buses to go to the High School which was in New Liskeard,Ont. which was just 10 minutes further up North past Haileybury,Ont. Which from Temagami took like about a half and hour to get to. Lets just say when school was over we still had to travel back to the Island which was home to me.
That day for us did not end until 5:30 pm at night. All in all I was just so very happy to have the day end. Now here I am living in Longueuil,Quebec with my Boyfriend which I love and care for very much and am very happy to be with.
Now and I also have three beautiful young adults now 2 Boys and A Girl.
My boys are ages 21, and 19 and my Daughter is 17.
And also I am very excited to now be a Grandma which my Daughter is going to be delivering a child in April of 2007, My little Anishnabae daughter having another part Anishnabae boy I believe , whatever she delivers does not matter to the Parents and Grandparents as long as the Baby is Healthy is all the really matters or should matter in Life.
That is it about my school days and about living on the reserve and being an Ojibway Indian and how life can be. Adventurous, exciting, and happy , that is just how it should be. Proud to be an Anishnabae ...Mi-gweetch -- Thank-You